Not all students are the same category1 rely on videos and reads more text, category2 relies only on the explanation in the video, category 3 relies on a portion of the video and even fails to complete the video.
We need something to attract and engage Category 2 and 3 during videos, so here at beInClass, we introduce the H5P interactive tool.
The primary goal of this tool is to keep the student engaged in the video by asking him questions during the video with which he can interact.
In this manner, the student maximizes his benefit from the online course, and we ensure that students in categories 2 and 3 deliver the desired results.
What exactly is H5P?
HTML5 Package is abbreviated as H5P. It enables teachers to create interactive videos, quizzes, and presentations. H5P content can be created in the Content bank and then added to your course as an H5P activity or embedded as an H5P activity in other beInClass activities or
Please see the below video explanation and contact us if you need any help adding this great interactive content to your course!
شركة تعليم إلكتروني مقرها نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، تقدم خدماتها إلى جميع أنحاء العالم حاليا تركز خدماتها لـ(السعودية، قطر، والبحرين). مدرسونا على درجة كبيرة من الخبرة لتقديم خدماتهم بكفاءة للطلاب الجامعيين ومساعدتهم للتفوق في مسارهم التعليمي.
اسحب ملف هنا أو انقر فوق الزر.