Students all over the world are facing greater challenges than ever before, as a result of the lockdowns that have occurred.
Teachers must be prepared with new strategies and technological tools to make the learning process more enjoyable and fun for students.
beInClass team will walk through these strategies on this blog series
Online Distance Tools: Teachers should choose from a variety of tools that assist in the learning process. beInClass also provides a variety of tools to make learning more enjoyable.
Each course has its own online class for our engagement students, allowing for more interaction with the teacher.
Another type of engagement, the teacher has the option to conduct live streaming directly through beInClass.
This tool allows the teacher to draw attention to specific points in recorded sessions by incorporating video interactions (if you are a teacher, kindly follow this link to know more about this feature)
شركة تعليم إلكتروني مقرها نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية،
تقدم خدماتها إلى جميع أنحاء العالم حاليا تركز خدماتها لـ(السعودية، قطر، والبحرين).
مدرسونا على درجة كبيرة من الخبرة لتقديم خدماتهم بكفاءة للطلاب الجامعيين ومساعدتهم للتفوق في مسارهم التعليمي
© 2023 BeInClass. JUC Corporations
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