كل عام وأنتم بخير - رمضان كريم

كل عام وأنتم بخير - رمضان كريم

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Rehab Abdo
Education: -Bachelor degree of engineering from the department of Civil Engineering Alexandria University Egypt. -Diploma of business statistics . Courses And Certifications: -A+ certification-core hardware. -A+ certification-operating system. -Microsoft office specialist (MOS certified) Word,Power point,Excel and Access. -Oracle 10g:SQL Fundementals. -Oracle 10g: Develop PL/SQL Program Units. Oracle 10g: Build Internet Applications. -Statistics/Data analysis in SPSS. -Triple T (Train The Trainer ) certified . Employment: -A former computer instructor at Intr@st Integrated Training Solutions of Egypt & Programmming . -A former computer  instructor at New Horizons Alexandria Egypt. -A former computer instructor at Mariya International School Jubail Saudi Arabia. -Private instructor  Maths, Maths for management, calculus and business statistics for college students at Saudi Arabia. -CEO and Owner of JUC Coorporation for online teaching at United States of America . Etc: -Was born in Alexandria Egypt, and was living in Jubail Saudi Arabia. -Moving to the United States Of America (New York) with family-husband and four lovely kids. -Love spending time outdoors and traveling.
عضو في المنصة منذ مارس 2022
  • الدورات
  • الدورات التدريبية المملوكة بشكل مشترك
  • الحِزم
  • المراجعات
مراجعات الدورات
جميع التقييمات
  • 5 نجوم
  • 4 نجوم
  • 3 نجوم
  • 2 نجوم
  • 1 نجوم

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  • 1
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